May will definitely have flowers because it has been raining non stop. And I love it. I signed a lease. Somehow finding a house and deciding for yourself the numbers, signing something, makes you feel as though you’ve grown up over night. One rainy night Amy and I saw the house and put in our application within the next hour.
On Saturday Allison and I resolved to go on a strawberry-picking-Easter date since most of our friends were out of town seeing family. We’ve come a long way since the dorms, our friendship beginning in such a way that we both laugh about now. She is such a consistent and honest presence in my life not reliant upon proximity.
Not knowing what you had till it was gone feels like it has never been a more accurate description to anyone than to me. It’s hard to admit that something you thought would be so wonderful was actually something that was just okay. So incase you missed it.. Last summer I transferred from Savannah College of Art and Design to Kansas City Art Institute. This adventure excited me. Living life next to my sister, being closer to home (although) still eight hours away) and other people who deeply influenced my happiness. The art institute was much more fine art heavy, and I thought I would be better off. I realized I wanted just the opposite, something realistic, and I am just so grateful I have the opportunity to come back to SCAD. Moral of the story is ultimately its okay to back up and realize that what you thought was perfect isn’t. It's okay to go back. So as I embark back on this adventure in Savannah, a door I thought was shut, I am happy to share it. There’s magic hidden in this town, and it took me leaving to feel it. I just cannot get over my time here. Last night we celebrated Amy and Polly's birthdays on a far away dock, and I was overwhelmed with joy for being back with these people and getting to have them as a constant in my life.